God Woke Me Mid-Surgery: Witnessing My Own Miracle of Healing After 28 Years

At 40, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and ulcerative colitis, a combination that brought years of painful abdominal attacks, especially after meals. For 28 years, I managed with medication and strict dietary changes, trying to find some relief. Now, at 68, the flare-ups had started becoming more frequent, and my gastroenterologist suggested a scope to rule out any new complications, given my history of polyps and gastritis.


As the procedure approached, I prayed deeply, surrendering it all to God, trusting Him fully with whatever would come.


On the day of the scope, I was sedated, expecting to sleep through it all. But then, something unexplainable happened—I woke up in the middle of the procedure. My doctor was visibly surprised, as no one in his experience had ever woken up mid-procedure under anaesthesia. I immediately knew that God had a purpose in waking me up. He wanted me to see what was about to happen.


With me awake, the doctor invited me to watch the screen, explaining everything as he went. He found no polyps, no ulcers, no signs of the conditions that had plagued me for almost three decades. My intestine looked entirely clear, something I never thought I'd witness! At that moment, I knew this was God’s miracle—He had freed me from the suffering that had weighed on me for so long.


Since that day, I haven’t experienced a single stomach pain. It’s as though God Himself touched and healed me in that room. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude, and all glory goes to Jesus for this miracle!


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